School Ager Program

Ages: 7 years to 12 years


School Agers blossom very different from one another. They all have their own interests, abilities and personalities. Keeping this in mind, our RECE’s ensure that each child has a sense of belonging and feels welcome and comfortable in our environment. We acknowledge that physical activities are very important to most schooler agers, thus we give that a lot of attention by encouraging children to be on their feet as well as bringing them outdoors as much as possible.

School agers usually form a sense of understanding of discipline by this age. Our RECE’s ensure that children are aware of this and practice, not only self-discipline, but also an understanding of rules they should follow. These may include, but not limited to, respectfully talking to others, respecting other people’s space, limiting screen time, etc. 

For our Kindergarten and School Ager Programs, we offer a before and after school program. During this program, we provide care to your child in the morning and drop them off to school. After school is over, we also pick them up for you and care for them until you come to pick them up. For details on our Pick up and Drop off services please Click Here.